City View Television Show Reviews the Top Five Happiest U.S. Cities

Sarasota, Florida

America is generally a happy place to live. It is the land of the free and home of the brave. The City View television show takes a look at the top five happiest places to live in the U.S.

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index on the Happiest Places to Live will soon be released. The annual poll ranks American cities on a few criteria such as if people are happy where they live, are they in good health, have love in their life, like what they do each day and can make ends meet. Along those lines, the cities listed below made the top five cities where people are most happy.

1.          North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida
2.          Honolulu, Hawaii
3.          Raleigh, North Carolina
4.          Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, California
5.          El Paso, Texas

These cities are usually sunny, warm places. Most are smaller cities with the exception of Honolulu and El Paso. Residents in these cities also tended to get more exercise, learn something new, and felt safe where they reside. City View also notes that cities with colleges and universities tend to offer more to do than cities with no higher educational institution. Also, good physical, mental and dental health plays an important part of happiness. When we feel poorly, it’s hard to see the sun shine and feel optimistic. How do you feel about the city where you live?
+Sarasota Florida +Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Tips and Photography +Raleigh, NC +City of Oxnard Government +El Paso, TX 

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