City View Television Show Celebrates Cinco de Mayo

Americans love a good party and there is no better one to celebrate one day in the history of Mexico (our neighbor) when they enjoyed a major victory. City View celebrates Cinco de Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo means the fifth of May in Spanish. It was on May 5, 1862 that Mexico won in battle with France at the Battle of Puebla. According to Mexican history, the country had trouble paying back war debts to European countries, and France came to collect from Mexico. Many countries have tried to invade Mexico. On this one day, May 5, Mexico won the battle.

While many people view this day as one to gorge on the many vibrant and tasty dishes and drinks from Mexico, we should honor the hard-working people for their continual battle to live a good life without political strife or corruption in their homeland. Cinco de Mayo is a day to relax and celebrate what one hard battle means to people who fight every day for a better life.

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