City View Television Show Highlights Five Great Neighborhoods

America is chock full of great neighborhoods. The City View television show highlights five of the greatest and most livable places to live.

What makes one neighborhood or area better to live in than others? We might say that close proximity to work is a factor. Accordable housing, healthy lifestyle options and having these and other amenities close by are important.

The Madison, Wisconsin neighborhood of Miflin West gives residents a plethora of amenities such as the arts, lakes to explore and affordable housing right near the state capital.

The Downtown Crossing neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts is a beautiful place to live. It is close to the stunning Boston Commons, near theatres and close o the financial district. Add to all that the efficient rail lines for an easy commute.

Downtown, Los Alamos, New Mexico has a main street atmosphere, clean air and water. It also boasts low and good-paying jobs all within short commutes. Entertainment options are also abundant.

Seattle, Washington, and more so in the downtown part, is a great place to live. Lots of healthy places to eat, parks to enjoy and an overall cool place to reside.

The City View television show loves local neighborhoods which give its residents plenty of great things to do, a healthier way of life and bunch of good people to socialize with at block parties.

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