The City View Television Show Highlights Best Cities for Veterans

Virginia Beach, VA is the top big city for veterans

America is a very large country and within it are cities which offer its military veterans great places to live, work, play, get a higher education, receive excellent medical care, and enjoy a greater quality of life. The City View television show highlights the best cities for veterans.

Retired military veterans may relocate to cities where they were once stationed because the city was welcoming to them and offered great services. This is, in part, why San Antonio, Texas, Virginia Beach, Virginia and Colorado Springs, Colorado are so favorable to vets.

Mid-sized cities are also good choices. Alexandria and Arlington, Virginia are the top two mid-sized cities to consider when military retirement is near. Centennial, Colorado is third.

City View looks at some of the other factors to consider before relocating to a new city after military retirement: housing costs, crime, schools for children, inexpensive events to attend, higher number of federal and non-federal jobs, low unemployment rate, and livability. Some cities have great public transportation systems which can lower the cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle. Some are located near areas where residents can take advantage of nearby attractions. There are so many great places to life if one is a retired service member or about to retire. Explore the top five in each category at the jump.

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City View Television Show Shares the Best States for Women

The Best U.S. State for Women

Women have come a long way in the business world, and in the world altogether.   The City View television show shares WalletHub’s list of the best states for women.

Three of the top ten states for women are not located in the Northeast or in New England. Take a look at the ten best states for women, where they are located and why they made WalletHub’s best states for the female gender.

  1. Minnesota – It is the second best state for working moms and female life expectancy at birth. It ties for the 2nd lowest number of young women dropping out of high school. It has the fifth lowest uninsured rate among women.
  2. Massachusetts – Ranks high for women having a baby and for working moms. It also has the lowest rate of uninsured woman in the nation.
  3. Vermont – Second on the list of stated with lowest rate of uninsured women. Best state for women’s health issues. It grabbed the top spot for women to have a baby and for working moms.
  4. Maryland – Women earn more here than in other U.S. states. The wage gap between men and woman is smaller here than in other states.
  5. New Hampshire – One of the top five states for new moms and working moms. Less women are uninsured. It also has the lowest poverty rate for women in the U.S. Very low high school drop-out rates for females.
  6. Maine – This is the second best place to have a baby. It is the fourth best place on women’s equality.
  7. Connecticut – The state with the fourth longest life expectancy at birth for women. Third best in overall health issues for females.
  8. Hawaii – Best state for women’s equality. Ranked in top five for lowest unemployment, uninsured rates, and boasts the longest life expectancy from birth in the country.
  9. Delaware – This state ranks well for women’s equality and earnings, social well-being and economics.
  10. Wisconsin – The National Women's Business Council.reports that Milwaukee has about 36% businesses owned by women placing it third highest ratio is women-owned companies in the country.

City View encourages working women of any age to consider these fine American states a good place to live, work and play.

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City View Reviews the America’s Theme Park Stats

There are theme park lovers and those who would rather spend the day at the beach or pool. For those who love amusement and theme parks, City View reviews some stats about them.

Roughly 138,144,000 visitors spent quality time at the top 20 theme/amusement parks in North America last year. The increase in overall visitors to the parks from 2013 to 2014 was a little over two percent. There are several parks in Florida and California which made the top 20 list. Disney’s Magic Kingdom came in first place with more than 19 million visitors. Disneyland came in second with more than 16 million visitors. The Epcot Center had more than 11 million visitors. Disney’s Animal Kingdom welcomed over 10 million guests.

Million of people every year love to spend their time and money getting the biggest thrills of their lives at theme and amusement parks. The rides are developed so creatively that the temptation to visit the park cannot be overcome. Even when the lines for the rides are long, the entrance tickets and specialty ride tickets are pricey, the lure of the thrill is hard to resist.

The City View television show notes that even animal parks, marine parks, and theme parks (like Williamsburg, Virginia Colonial town) draw visitors in with unique experiences. These are great family vacation destinations. They can be good bargains if planned right. Take time to explore these parks and any vacation package for them. Give mom the scare of her life.

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City View Share Where Commuters Have it Best

Some cities have it better when it comes to commuting from work and back home. City View takes a look at where commuters have it best.

The daily one-way commute for this writer is 40 minutes. In other cities, the commute can be much longer – sometimes an hour or more each way. But for some people, the commute is short and sweet, or they get to and from work on reliable public transportation. Report results from the University of Michigan state that the commute time in Oklahoma City are only 20.7 minutes while it takes almost 40 minutes in New York.  Bostonians seem to have it best with the shortest commute length, and also for those who can walk to work.

The City View television show also notes that nearly 6 percent of people who live in Portland, Oregon bike to work, since it is a very bike-friendly city.

Working from home is the one of the most pleasant and convenient ways to work. Employees avoid more wear and tear on their autos and don’t have to worry about traffic and accidents causing delays. Portland ranks well in this category also, as does Austin, Texas. The university study also notes that most of us like to drive alone – 75% of us prefer to go solo.

Whichever way we get to and from work every day, one thing is clear: we need to be entertained. From radios to streaming music from Bluetooth devices, nothing is worse than a boring commute.

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City View Reviews the Best Beaches in the U.S.

Barefoot Beach Preserve County Park, Bonita Springs, Florida

City View loves the shores and beaches of the United States and is proud to highlight some of the best.

World-famous beach expert, Stephen Leatherman, aka “Dr. Beach”, has released his list of the top ten beaches in the U.S. As we are headquartered in Florida, we are proud that four out of the ten beaches on this list are located in our state. Criteria used by Dr. Beach included 50 factors which included water quality, safety, available activities and environmental factors. Some of the locales below also offer great amenities such as outdoor showers, changing rooms, picnic areas and nearby restaurants.

Waimanalo Bay Beach Park Oahu, Hawaii – The beach is five miles long, off the beaten track and its backdrop are the spectacular mountain ranges behind it. Clear turquoise water and soft, sandy beaches makes this local’s favorite a great place to visit.

Barefoot Beach Preserve County Park, Bonita Springs, Florida – The name says it all about this gorgeous beach. White, super soft sand and gentle waves make this long park an ideal place to go barefoot all day long.

St. George Island State Park, Florida – Located in the panhandle, its whisper soft sand is haven to feet. There are lots of pathways through the dunes leading to the shore. It’s such an inviting place to swim that stingrays can be seen in the shallow, warm water. Shuffle your feet to scatter them.

Hamoa Beach, Maui, Hawaii – Cliffs and palm trees and colorful vegetation frame this small beach. Coal and lava sand make this spot famous. But it takes nerves of steel to get there by the “Road of Hana” which has drop-offs of over 1,000 feet and more than 50 one-way bridges.

Cape Hatteras, Outer Banks, North CarolinaCape Hatteras was the first National Seashore in the U.S. This spot on the Atlantic coast is one of the best for board surfing. It is also a prime beach for shell collecting, fishing, and enjoying lazy, relaxed days on the shore. Be sure to visit its historic lighthouse.

City View encourages readers to enjoy these idyllic beaches as well as the other five on the list: Cape Florida State Park, Biscayne, Florida, Coast Guard Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Beachwalker Park, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park, Naples Florida, East Beach, Santa Barbara, California.

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City View Television Show Highlights Five Great Neighborhoods

America is chock full of great neighborhoods. The City View television show highlights five of the greatest and most livable places to live.

What makes one neighborhood or area better to live in than others? We might say that close proximity to work is a factor. Accordable housing, healthy lifestyle options and having these and other amenities close by are important.

The Madison, Wisconsin neighborhood of Miflin West gives residents a plethora of amenities such as the arts, lakes to explore and affordable housing right near the state capital.

The Downtown Crossing neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts is a beautiful place to live. It is close to the stunning Boston Commons, near theatres and close o the financial district. Add to all that the efficient rail lines for an easy commute.

Downtown, Los Alamos, New Mexico has a main street atmosphere, clean air and water. It also boasts low and good-paying jobs all within short commutes. Entertainment options are also abundant.

Seattle, Washington, and more so in the downtown part, is a great place to live. Lots of healthy places to eat, parks to enjoy and an overall cool place to reside.

The City View television show loves local neighborhoods which give its residents plenty of great things to do, a healthier way of life and bunch of good people to socialize with at block parties.

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City View Television Show Reviews the Top Five Happiest U.S. Cities

Sarasota, Florida

America is generally a happy place to live. It is the land of the free and home of the brave. The City View television show takes a look at the top five happiest places to live in the U.S.

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index on the Happiest Places to Live will soon be released. The annual poll ranks American cities on a few criteria such as if people are happy where they live, are they in good health, have love in their life, like what they do each day and can make ends meet. Along those lines, the cities listed below made the top five cities where people are most happy.

1.          North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida
2.          Honolulu, Hawaii
3.          Raleigh, North Carolina
4.          Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, California
5.          El Paso, Texas

These cities are usually sunny, warm places. Most are smaller cities with the exception of Honolulu and El Paso. Residents in these cities also tended to get more exercise, learn something new, and felt safe where they reside. City View also notes that cities with colleges and universities tend to offer more to do than cities with no higher educational institution. Also, good physical, mental and dental health plays an important part of happiness. When we feel poorly, it’s hard to see the sun shine and feel optimistic. How do you feel about the city where you live?
+Sarasota Florida +Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Tips and Photography +Raleigh, NC +City of Oxnard Government +El Paso, TX 

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City View Television Show Celebrates Cinco de Mayo

Americans love a good party and there is no better one to celebrate one day in the history of Mexico (our neighbor) when they enjoyed a major victory. City View celebrates Cinco de Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo means the fifth of May in Spanish. It was on May 5, 1862 that Mexico won in battle with France at the Battle of Puebla. According to Mexican history, the country had trouble paying back war debts to European countries, and France came to collect from Mexico. Many countries have tried to invade Mexico. On this one day, May 5, Mexico won the battle.

While many people view this day as one to gorge on the many vibrant and tasty dishes and drinks from Mexico, we should honor the hard-working people for their continual battle to live a good life without political strife or corruption in their homeland. Cinco de Mayo is a day to relax and celebrate what one hard battle means to people who fight every day for a better life.

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City View Television Show Explores a Few Amazing American Sites

Residents of Redwood National and State Parks, CA

This huge country we live in has more incredible sights to see than we have time to visit in our lives. The City View television show explores a few of the most amazing American sites to visit.

California is a long state with a spectacular coastline to drive from end to end. But get off that road and head inland to drive through the Redwood National and State Park system. Look up. The Avenue of the Giants is 32 miles of tall, stately trees that line both sides of the road. Just a bit north of San Francisco, travelers will be able to stop and admire these natural wonders, some of which are 2,000 years old and more.

Georgia is another coastal state. As such, readers are encouraged to visit Cumberland Island which is south of Jacksonville, Florida. It is a mostly uninhabited space of natural beauty where abundant wildlife lives. Visitors can catch a ferry from nearby St. Mary’s. It is the state’s largest barrier island.

Illinois has an amazing site that no one would ever expect. The forlorn-named Starved Rock State Park is home to waterfalls created by the spring thaw in the 18 canyons of the park. The park is 90 miles west of Chicago.

America has some of the most amazing places to visit from lesser visited national parks to the prairies in the middle of the country. City View television encourages you to hop in the vehicle of choice and go explore. 

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City View Television Show Explores U.S. Eco-Friendly Cities

Portland, OR bike path

In honor of Earth day 2015, the City View television show explores the country’s most environmentally-friendly cities.

We have been celebrating and participating in Earth day activities for 45 years. Some Americans practice Eco-friendly habits every day from using coffee grinds in the garden to recycling every possible thing in the house. Home builders who are committed to improving the world we live in design and construct environmentally-friendly homes. In addition, there are some U.S. cities which take taking care of its own environment more seriously than others.

Portland, Oregon is the number one U.S. city for sustainability. It is the most bikeable city in the country with more than 200 miles of dedicated bike lanes. With forward-thinking like this, city planners found a healthy and clean way for people to get around the city without a vehicle and without the emissions.

San Francisco, California is second as it was the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags and the also the first to adopt solar power. It also has a innovative recycling program with and artist who teaches residents how to conserve and reuse what they have.

Boston, Massachusetts comes is third in sustainability practices. The city started a program to become more “green” by replacing traditional taxi cabs with hybrid ones, use more solar panels, and recycle trash to power homes.

These top three U.S. Eco-friendly cities are followed by others which have established environmentally-friendly protocols. The City View television show applauds their efforts to improve air and water quality, provide progressive recycling programs, use more solar energy, save as much greenspace in the city as possible, and myriad of other Eco-smart ideas and plans. 

The City View Television Show Reviews Water Conservation Tips for Everyone

The water restrictions put in place in California are meant to save the remaining water supply which is left. But as the state’s residents start implementing the steps to take, the City View television show reviews the steps everyone should take as well.

California water basins are drying up and leaving boats sitting on dry land. Florida’s Lake Okeechobee may also find itself in that same position if residents don’t follow the same precautions and restrictions as Californians.

  • Restrict watering lawns and gardens to early morning or late evening.
  • Turn off automatic sprinklers which run during the day.
  • Turn water off at faucets when shaving, brushing teeth, and doing dishes.
  • If a bath is needed, save the water to use in gardens.
  • Use a low-flow shower head.
  • Wait until there is a full load of laundry before running the washing machine.
  • Check hoses, pipes and connections to be sure there are no leaks. Leaks can waste up to 20 gallons of water.
  • Use a dishwasher to clean dishes instead of doing them by hand. If there is no dishwasher, use a basin for washing and one for rinsing.
  • Sweep or rake leaves and debris from sidewalks and driveways instead of using a hose.
  • Take your car to an Eco-friendly car wash rather do doing it at home which can waste water.

City View television show believes we can all save water every day.

City View Television Show Reveals Cities with Highest Rents

Tampa, Florida

Most consumers know there are certain cities in the U.S. where renting a home or apartment can take a huge bite out of living expenses. The City View television show reveals where these places are, and which cities will experience rising rent costs in the coming 12 months.

Renters of apartments, condos and homes in high price metro areas feel the pain of paying for housing every month.  But they live there anyway for work or family. It’s the price one pays for atmosphere and convenience. Below are the top five cities with the highest rental prices as rated by

  1. Tampa, Florida and vicinity
  2. St. Louis, Missouri and vicinity
  3. Los Angeles, California and vicinity
  4. Fort Lauderdale, Florida and vicinity (note that listed Miami in this county which is inaccurate)
  5. San Francisco, California and vicinity

To make matters more expensive, some of these cities will see rent increase in the coming 12 months:

  • Tampa: rental increases up 5.3%
  • Los Angeles: rental increases up 5.2%
  • Fort Lauderdale: rental increases up 4.9%
  • San Francisco: rental increases up a whopping 8.5%

The City View television show used data from Marcus & Millichap Research Services, MPF Research, which notes the average rental increase in the U.S. a4 3.4 percent. If you live in one of these cities, it may be time to consider asking for a cost of living raise. Or ask rental agencies for more perks such as free carpet cleaning, package delivery service, or valet trash pickup.

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#Ft. Lauderdale #Miami #LA #Tampa

The City View Television Show Shares Basic Steps for Property Rental Owners

Owning income property can be a nice way to earn extra cash. But there is more to it than just collecting rent and utilities every month.

There are many good options for finding and buying rental property in the U.S. and the City View television show shares some basic steps to buying and managing a home someone else lives in.  

Sum up the neighborhood where the home is located. Is it more student or family oriented? Are there are other rental homes in it? Is it maintained by a property management company or by the owner? It can be easy to tell if all the lawns look perfect or if they look slightly different in how they are kept.

Location makes a big difference in how much one can charge for rent, and also in how much insurance and property taxes can cost. The condition of the rental home also mater in how much rent can be reasonably charged.

How to find a good tenant is one of the challenges City View television show notes rental home owners have. Advertising can bring some questionable people to the neighborhood, as well as into the rental home. In order to weed out the good from the bad, run credit checks, background checks and call the references a prospective tenant lists.

Other items to certainly consider are using proper legal documentation for every step of the rental process. Require a deposit and keep it in a separate escrow account until the tenant moves out.

Owning a rental property might not be the hassle some think it is. Income generated from it is nice to have. It can outweigh the bad aspects more times than not. 

The City View Television Show Shares the Best Beaches

Rehobeth Beach, DE

Heading to the beach this summer with the family? Some coastal spots are better than others. The City View television show shares the beaches that are best for families.

Cape May, New Jersey is an idyllic coastal area with clean beaches, sparkling ocean, and miles of family-friendly activities and great places to eat. It is also a short drive or ferry ride to the next spot, which happens to be our favorite.

Rehobeth Beach, Delaware has always been a terrific location for summer vacation. The Boardwalk is chock full of games, rides and the best food on the East Coast. The beaches are clean and the Atlantic Ocean promises to give everyone a good day in the water. Smaller beach towns near Rehobeth are Dewey Beach and Bethany Beach. These two are also super for families and may be less crowded than big sister Rehobeth.

On the other coast, visit Lincoln City Beach in Oregon. It’s green and clean there as is the air. Word has it there are glass floats in the sand which is part of a program called “Finders Keepers”.  If a visitor finds one, they can keep it and take it home.

The City View television show also likes Ogunquit Beach, Maine. Green sea grass with colorful wildflowers roll across the dunes to a smooth sand beach. Take the trolley to the shore and leave the car at the rental home or hotel. The water may be cold in Maine, but it’s gorgeous.

Let us know if there is a great, family-friendly beach that we don’t know about.

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The City View Television Show Relays the Top 5 Cities for Opportunity

Pittsburgh, PA: City of Opportunity 

The United States has long been called the “Land of Opportunity”. This is why so many immigrants choose to move and make a life here. The City View television show relays the top five cites for opportunity.

The cities below are ones which are battling hard to come out of high unemployment, crime and other factors due to the Recession. But these places also offer affordable living, excellent and affordable education, and plenty of activities from professional sports to live theatre. They are all located in the Northeast.

  1. Columbus, Ohio
  2. Rochester, New York
  3. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  4. Toledo, Ohio
  5. Buffalo, New York

Opportunity is what we made of it. Given the chance, would we buy a home which needs repairs or renovations? Would be venture to start our own business? Would be move into a cultural neighborhood to experience how others live and follow traditions?

The City View television show notes that Pittsburgh and Columbus, Ohio are ranked as one of the top five cities for Veterans. The city is home to a good number of well-established corporations, high-tech firms and small businesses which are committed to hiring military Veterans their families. Other American cities which are great places for Veterans are: Austin, Texas, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, San Antonio, Texas, St. Louis, Missouri, State College, Pennsylvania, Cincinnati, Ohio, College Station, Texas and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

What city do you think is best for opportunity? #pittsburghPA +Pittsburgh Buzz +Columbus Ohio +RochesterNYblogs #ToledoOH #BuffaloNY

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The City View Television Show Shares Some Great Small Towns

Chincoteague Island, VA

Summer vacation is a few more months away and there is no better time to plan for a great family getaway than now. The City View television show shares some of the great small towns every family should take time to see and explore.

Get off the main road for a true American adventure.

Chincoteague, Virginia is where the wild ponies live. A drive along the roads in the rural part of the state might reveal the special colors and sizes of the ponies. But be careful if you choose to give a wild pony an apple or something to eat: they bite.

Washington, North Carolina is first town to be named after General George Washington. It is picturesque with its lakes and many colorful sailboats on them.

Fort Myers Beach, Florida is without doubt, one of the most vibrantly colored small towns in the USA. With its Caribbean feel, salty blue skies and gently rustling palms in the balmy air, come here if everyone needs to really wind down.

Snohomish, Washington is a quaint little town in the northwestern part of the country. It is bolstered by the Cascade Mountains, and Puget Sound which the City View television show adores.

Wherever you go, there are small and tiny towns tucked into the country’s landscape. Make a side turn and go visit one.

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The City View Television Show Explores Locations Growing Wildly

Bend, Oregon

Some parts of the USA are experiencing wild population growth. The City View television show explores where they are and why they are so popular.

Central Florida, near Orlando, is one area which is seeing its population grow by leaps and bounds. The Villages, which is a very active retirement community, offers an abundance of activities for the senior crowd. Home prices are reasonable, and there are plenty of things for company to do locally. South Florida is also experiencing a growth in population as more people move there from the colder climates in the Northeast and from overseas. Plus, Florida does not have a state income tax.

Austin and Round Rock, Texas have long been metro areas where the population keeps growing. Both cities offer residents a good job outlook, decent wages, affordable home and an affordable cost of living. The metro area also gives residents an eclectic variety of nightlife, shopping and more to do.

Bend and Redmond, Oregon are two more metro areas where people are finding a better life. It is a beautiful part of the state with a great many outdoor activities to enjoy. Close to 30 percent of its residents are between the ages of 45 and 64. It is wide-open country in the middle of the state meaning less crowded neighborhoods and easier traffic to navigate.

Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Beaufort, South Carolina are three fabulous southern areas that the City View television show loves. Not one of them is overcrowded. All three are accessible to other major metro areas such as Savannah, Georgia. All offer an affordable cost of living and year-round great weather.

If relocating is in your agenda, where do you want to go?

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City View Examines the US Metropolitan Areas with Low Unemployment

Unemployment rates dropped
in these cities

As American cities recover from a recession which pulled the job rug out from its citizens, some metropolitan areas are faring better than others. City View takes a look at them.

Texas is a big state with many regions and corners where its residents can live, work and play. It is also a place where its oil and natural gas fields provided jobs. This is why there are four cities in it which had the lowest unemployment rate in the country: Midland, Amarillo, Odessa and Lubbock.  The Austin-Round Rock metro area also had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.

Ames, Iowa, which is centrally-located, also ranked well for the number of people who are employed for a metro area. Its unique location makes it the perfect place for U.S.-based call centers. Call centers employs people by the hundreds and also require the services needed to run them. This keeps everyone else employed.

The City View television show also notes that Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska, and Mankato, Minnesota also experienced a lower unemployment rate. These are all signs of a growing local economy. Strong economies mean jobs and jobs means consumers feel like spending which in turn boosts local revenue. Cities throughout the country should work with state economic leaders to create more jobs which pay a decent living wage.

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The City View Television Show Reports on the Best and Worst City Airports

Air travel is not as fun as it used to be with passengers dealing with long security lines, poor choices for places to eat and relax and dingy restrooms. But some airports are worse than others. And some are better. The City View television show reports on the best and worst of them.

Ask anyone from South Florida and they will tell you that it is a nightmare to get into and out of Miami International Airport. Traffic is a snarled mess with construction and accidents. Adding to the frustration is dealing with a very crowded airport and confusing directional signs. Yahoo Travel recently conducted a survey and finds that only 23% of people using MIA actually liked it.

Atlanta Hartsfield Airport is another major city airport which respondents did not care for. It is rated as one of the busiest airports in the country. As large as it is, it can be hard for travelers to get from one gate to another within the airlines’ 30 minute guideline for connections. Drivers arriving and departing the airport also have major traffic issues to contend with.

Newark International Airport also fared poorly in the Yahoo Travel survey. Often crowded to the max, it takes a Herculean effort to make it from one gate to another. Outdated restrooms and poor options for hungry passengers put this very busy airport on the bottom of the list.

Topping the list was McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. We can attest that this cool, fun destination airport has what every traveler needs: clean restrooms, good places to eat and slot machines.

Chicago O’Hare International Airport is easy to maneuver and provides travelers with a variety of excellent places to sit down and have bite to eat – which is great when bad weather delays a flight.

The City View television show also likes Philadelphia International Airport for its bright, clean and relaxing environment. One can sample the city’s signature snack – a soft pretzel or Philly cheesesteak sandwich.

Do you have a favorite airport?