City View Explores the Quality of Life in the U.S.

No matter where we live, how we define our quality of life is much about whom we are and what is most important to us. City View takes another look at it.

A recent study from a well-respected organization resulted in finding the ten best states for quality of life. The study used criteria such as education, jobs, income, safety, health, environment, civic engagement, accessibility to services and housing.  Below are the top ten states:

  1. New Hampshire
  2. Minnesota
  3. Vermont
  4. Iowa
  5. North Dakota
  6. Colorado
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Maine
  9. Washington
  10. Wisconsin

What sets these states apart from the others is how the residents feel about where they live. Do they feel safe? Is the local economy strong and able to provide jobs? Do they have access to healthcare? Do they feel connected to the community at large? It is often said that when the local population feels secure in their lives, they will feel more positive about their individual quality of life. TheCity View television show also notes that while these ten states made the top ten, the country as a whole suffered in the jobs category. Most of the states saw higher unemployment in 2013 than in the year 2000. It goes without saying that when the population is not working, other areas of their lives will suffer. Fortunately, the job market is getting better, local economies are becoming stronger and people are feeling better about where they live and life overall. These are healthy signs that indicate quality of life is improving.