The City View Television Show Shares Some Great Small Towns

Chincoteague Island, VA

Summer vacation is a few more months away and there is no better time to plan for a great family getaway than now. The City View television show shares some of the great small towns every family should take time to see and explore.

Get off the main road for a true American adventure.

Chincoteague, Virginia is where the wild ponies live. A drive along the roads in the rural part of the state might reveal the special colors and sizes of the ponies. But be careful if you choose to give a wild pony an apple or something to eat: they bite.

Washington, North Carolina is first town to be named after General George Washington. It is picturesque with its lakes and many colorful sailboats on them.

Fort Myers Beach, Florida is without doubt, one of the most vibrantly colored small towns in the USA. With its Caribbean feel, salty blue skies and gently rustling palms in the balmy air, come here if everyone needs to really wind down.

Snohomish, Washington is a quaint little town in the northwestern part of the country. It is bolstered by the Cascade Mountains, and Puget Sound which the City View television show adores.

Wherever you go, there are small and tiny towns tucked into the country’s landscape. Make a side turn and go visit one.

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The City View Television Show Explores Locations Growing Wildly

Bend, Oregon

Some parts of the USA are experiencing wild population growth. The City View television show explores where they are and why they are so popular.

Central Florida, near Orlando, is one area which is seeing its population grow by leaps and bounds. The Villages, which is a very active retirement community, offers an abundance of activities for the senior crowd. Home prices are reasonable, and there are plenty of things for company to do locally. South Florida is also experiencing a growth in population as more people move there from the colder climates in the Northeast and from overseas. Plus, Florida does not have a state income tax.

Austin and Round Rock, Texas have long been metro areas where the population keeps growing. Both cities offer residents a good job outlook, decent wages, affordable home and an affordable cost of living. The metro area also gives residents an eclectic variety of nightlife, shopping and more to do.

Bend and Redmond, Oregon are two more metro areas where people are finding a better life. It is a beautiful part of the state with a great many outdoor activities to enjoy. Close to 30 percent of its residents are between the ages of 45 and 64. It is wide-open country in the middle of the state meaning less crowded neighborhoods and easier traffic to navigate.

Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Beaufort, South Carolina are three fabulous southern areas that the City View television show loves. Not one of them is overcrowded. All three are accessible to other major metro areas such as Savannah, Georgia. All offer an affordable cost of living and year-round great weather.

If relocating is in your agenda, where do you want to go?

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City View Examines the US Metropolitan Areas with Low Unemployment

Unemployment rates dropped
in these cities

As American cities recover from a recession which pulled the job rug out from its citizens, some metropolitan areas are faring better than others. City View takes a look at them.

Texas is a big state with many regions and corners where its residents can live, work and play. It is also a place where its oil and natural gas fields provided jobs. This is why there are four cities in it which had the lowest unemployment rate in the country: Midland, Amarillo, Odessa and Lubbock.  The Austin-Round Rock metro area also had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.

Ames, Iowa, which is centrally-located, also ranked well for the number of people who are employed for a metro area. Its unique location makes it the perfect place for U.S.-based call centers. Call centers employs people by the hundreds and also require the services needed to run them. This keeps everyone else employed.

The City View television show also notes that Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska, and Mankato, Minnesota also experienced a lower unemployment rate. These are all signs of a growing local economy. Strong economies mean jobs and jobs means consumers feel like spending which in turn boosts local revenue. Cities throughout the country should work with state economic leaders to create more jobs which pay a decent living wage.

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The City View Television Show Reports on the Best and Worst City Airports

Air travel is not as fun as it used to be with passengers dealing with long security lines, poor choices for places to eat and relax and dingy restrooms. But some airports are worse than others. And some are better. The City View television show reports on the best and worst of them.

Ask anyone from South Florida and they will tell you that it is a nightmare to get into and out of Miami International Airport. Traffic is a snarled mess with construction and accidents. Adding to the frustration is dealing with a very crowded airport and confusing directional signs. Yahoo Travel recently conducted a survey and finds that only 23% of people using MIA actually liked it.

Atlanta Hartsfield Airport is another major city airport which respondents did not care for. It is rated as one of the busiest airports in the country. As large as it is, it can be hard for travelers to get from one gate to another within the airlines’ 30 minute guideline for connections. Drivers arriving and departing the airport also have major traffic issues to contend with.

Newark International Airport also fared poorly in the Yahoo Travel survey. Often crowded to the max, it takes a Herculean effort to make it from one gate to another. Outdated restrooms and poor options for hungry passengers put this very busy airport on the bottom of the list.

Topping the list was McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. We can attest that this cool, fun destination airport has what every traveler needs: clean restrooms, good places to eat and slot machines.

Chicago O’Hare International Airport is easy to maneuver and provides travelers with a variety of excellent places to sit down and have bite to eat – which is great when bad weather delays a flight.

The City View television show also likes Philadelphia International Airport for its bright, clean and relaxing environment. One can sample the city’s signature snack – a soft pretzel or Philly cheesesteak sandwich.

Do you have a favorite airport?

The City View Television Show Opens to Door to City Services

The services that cities offer residents and visitors can run the gamut from street closures to events calendars. The City View televisionshow opens the door to the many services the city offers online and off.

Today’s busy city leaders and their staff have made finding what people need convenient and easy. A vast number of services are available online and with the click of a mouse, fines can be paid, licenses can be applied for, and permits can be sought, to name just a few. Residents can report code violations, check for street closures and file a complaint if trash or recycling is not picked up. No more waiting in long lines or on hold for what seems like endless hours. City services are now easy and convenient to find and use when needed.

Smaller cities are also offering Internet-available services. For those without online capabilities, one can still go into City Hall and get what they need. The City View television show likes to open the door on city services, and share with viewers what some of the amazing people do for locals and tourists alike. It takes many hard-working people with only the best for their city in mind to make things happen, and change them when needed.

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City View Goes on a Tour of Great American Small Towns

A "cottage" on Jekyll Island, GA where wealthy industrial families vacationed

Small towns are full of charm, character and local culture. City View takes a tour of some picturesque and unique places to tour.

We say it all the time: take the side roads and secondary street in order to find the best places to visit.

Jekyll Island, St, Simons and St. Simons Island, GA
Just an hour north of Jacksonville, Florida, one of the most quaint beach towns lies nestled on the southeast Georgia coast. St. Simons and St. Simons Island are small, quiet little coastal towns packed full of Southern flavor, high culture and kitchy beach goodies. The drive into the area goes past the famed Jekyll Island where travelers can take a few hours and enjoy gawking at the mansions from long-ago industry tycoons. Once off the island, the view from the Jekyll Island Bridge is a stunning portrait of the marshes below.

Beaufort, South Carolina
As long as we’re in the South, why not visit Beaufort? Its Antebellum homes will remind you of Gone with the Wind. Its food will be a gastronomical delight to your mouth and senses. And its hospitality might just compel you to relocate or at least visit again.

Calistoga, California
What Calistoga lacks in style in grace, it makes up for in charm and fun. There is no stuffiness that some of its neighboring small towns possesses. Calistoga is about having a good time, eating great food and enjoying great California landscape affordably.

The City View television show suggests getting off the main highways and freeways and finding these little gems to explore.

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City View Explores the Quality of Life in the U.S.

No matter where we live, how we define our quality of life is much about whom we are and what is most important to us. City View takes another look at it.

A recent study from a well-respected organization resulted in finding the ten best states for quality of life. The study used criteria such as education, jobs, income, safety, health, environment, civic engagement, accessibility to services and housing.  Below are the top ten states:

  1. New Hampshire
  2. Minnesota
  3. Vermont
  4. Iowa
  5. North Dakota
  6. Colorado
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Maine
  9. Washington
  10. Wisconsin

What sets these states apart from the others is how the residents feel about where they live. Do they feel safe? Is the local economy strong and able to provide jobs? Do they have access to healthcare? Do they feel connected to the community at large? It is often said that when the local population feels secure in their lives, they will feel more positive about their individual quality of life. TheCity View television show also notes that while these ten states made the top ten, the country as a whole suffered in the jobs category. Most of the states saw higher unemployment in 2013 than in the year 2000. It goes without saying that when the population is not working, other areas of their lives will suffer. Fortunately, the job market is getting better, local economies are becoming stronger and people are feeling better about where they live and life overall. These are healthy signs that indicate quality of life is improving.

City View Explores the Real Miami

Miami is the southern city by the bay that seems to have something for everyone. City Views explores the real Miami for readers.

Ten years ago, Miami was a place where people commuted to for work and then left at the end of the day. There were few fun places to spend time in the evening and nighttime.  Now, in 2015, the city has become a cool place to go with an abundance of options for nearly everyone. It has also become the “it” location to live.

People from other countries invested in the city, built condos, restaurants, bars, and clubs. City residents range in age from 25 to 40, which most will agree are the ones to bring life back into a declining neighborhood. They dine out and then find one of the many clubs and entertainment centers to spend the rest of the evening.

The rising number of new, hip hotels, centers for the Arts and the supporting businesses around them bring new life and more revenue into the city that once seemed to be in deep decline.  The City View television show also learns that more is to come in the near future.  A project is underway in the western part of the Miami-Dade County to build the biggest shopping mall in the country. It will be located near major roadways, and far from where people live, work and play.  Miami is an eclectic city with a vibrant and diversified population. It is the real Miami. And one in which its founding fathers probably dreamed of.


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